QliqCHAT Mobile App

Current Version

Android: 2.0.400
iOS: 2.0.398
Release Date: June 17, 2024

Important Notes for Affected Users

  • Prior versions of QliqCHAT are no longer available on Google Play Store

What is Not Affected by this Release

  • QliqConnect
  • Quincy
  • Secure Messaging APIs
  • QliqDIRECT

What's New

  1. Implemented “Do not remind” option in remind interval of the sound settings


  1. Set vibration to ON by default for ASAP and urgent messages

Bug Fixes

  1. The last video call updates automatically and can be viewed dynamically 
  2. Users can search by participant names
  3. Direct calls can now be made to the user’s work phone number
  4. Reading all messages clears the badge for IOS users
  5. Urgent messages that have been acknowledged are shown to the sender as acknowledged
  6. The text font was resized in the phone’s device settings when selecting large text
  7. The 493 error on group threads after password reset has been resolved
  8. Deleted conversations are now synced with other devices
  9. Images cropped in Snap & Sign cropped are clear
  10. Application text size is the same as the device font 
  11. QliqSTOR folder name is the same in both QliqCONNECT and QliqCHAT
  12. Added file names for images sent/received like in QliqCONNECT
  13. Login with PIN is not possible now before the end of the Failure Lock-Out Time timer
  14. Unread message badge for users in Away or DND displays an accurate number
  15. Push notifications are displayed for Away and DND presence consistently on both Android and iOS
  16. Resolved customer-reported issue where users had badge notifications despite having no unread messages
  17. Selecting the Request Acknowledgment text  enables/disables correctly (before only the checkbox worked)
  18. The number of unread messages is the same on Android and desktop after pressing the "Mark All Read" button
  19. New message being created are scrolled to the end after adding a new Quick Message
  20. Added the “Start a conversation” button on the Oncall screen, which was missing but present on the “Contacts” screen of the same Oncall group
  21. Users are able to edit Quick Messages in QliqCHAT that were created on the Admin Portal
  22. The Visit Path reminder time value is correct after the Force close
  23. Fixed an issue where Android displayed a 0 unread message banner while in the background
  24. Fixed an issue where a message could be starred in urgent messages but not an actual conversation
  25. The list of messages will now automatically scroll to the first unread message and highlight the unread message after pressing the “Unread messages” button
  26. The selected filter in Snap & Sign will now be visible in the list of filters, ensuring better clarity and ease of use
  27. Addressed an issue where the selected recalled message could still be forwarded
  28. Improved quality of generated PDF files in Snap & Sign

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