QliqCHAT Desktop App

Current Version

Version Number: 2.1.402
Release Date: June 21, 2024

Important Notes for Affected Users

  • Windows printing is temporarily disabled. To print during this time, click on the print icon, save the document and then print it.
  • QliqCONNECT credentials will continue to be utilized to log into QliqCHAT
  • First-time login will load 7 days of historical messages (same scenario of installing QliqCONNECT on a new device) 
  • Users will not need to uninstall and reinstall the QliqCHAT app when updating to newer builds.

What is Not Affected by this Release

  • QliqConnect
  • Quincy
  • Secure Messaging APIs
  • QliqDIRECT

What's New

  1. Spell Checker has been added to Windows and Mac
  2. Implemented “Do not remind” option in remind interval of the sound settings


  1. Emojis are now included when printing conversations
  2. The user can now resize text field on QliqCHAT Desktop as it does in QliqCONNECT
  3. Re-arranged menu buttons in QliqCHAT Desktop
  4. Implemented a button to clear the entire chat input field

Bug Fixes

  1. Users can save a conversation thread as a pdf and then print the conversation
  2. Conversations/files are now displayed according to the organization's message retention settings
  3. Users can now search by participant name
  4. Users will now receive an unread messages reminder notification only when the app is in the background
  5. Urgent messages that have been acknowledged will be shown to the sender as acknowledged
  6. The 493 error on group threads after password reset has been resolved
  7. Deleted conversations are now synced with other devices
  8. There is no chat input focus indicator in QliqCHAT if it’s not selected
  9. QliqSTOR folder names are the same in both QliqCONNECT and QliqCHAT
  10. Added file names for images sent/received as is done in QliqCONNECT
  11. Login with PIN is not possible now before the end of the Failure Lock-Out Time timer
  12. Fixed issue where selecting the device notification banner for a received message did not open the app but marked the message as read.
  13. There is now a reminder notification when the app is in the background
  14. Fixed an issue where selecting the Request Acknowledgment text did not enable/disable the option (only the checkbox worked)
  15. Resolved a discrepancy where the number of unread messages was different on Android and desktop after pressing the "Mark All Read" button
  16. Addressed an issue where the new message being created was not scrolled to the end after adding a new Quick Message
  17. Added the “Start a conversation” button on the Oncall screen, which was missing but present on the “Contacts” screen of the same Oncall group
  18. Users are now able to edit Quick Messages in QliqCHAT that were created on the Admin Portal
  19. A conversation selection is now retained after clearing search parameters
  20. The search now accurately filters archived messages that match the entered search parameters
  21. Fixed an issue where a message could be starred in urgent messages but not an actual conversation
  22. The list of messages will now automatically scroll to the first unread message and highlight the unread message after pressing the “Unread messages” button
  23. Fixed an issue where the desktop app became unresponsive when navigating around the app
  24. Recalled messages could not be forwarded
  25. Fixed a bug where previously logged in users were removed from the app after leaving it in the background for some time and then trying to log in again
  26. Resolved an issue where QliqChat log files were too big
  27. App Windows user profiles are consistently retained during an upgrade.

Windows Limitation Impacting QliqCHAT

  1. QliqCHAT can disappear from the app list on Windows after installation.
    This is a known Windows OS bug. See these instructions to resolve the issue: https://www.makeuseof.com/fix-missing-start-menu-icons-windows-11-10/
  2. Audio recording may lead to a crash on Windows when the app is launched for the first time
  3. Previewing XLSX files on Windows might slow down the responsiveness of the application

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