HIT Security Issues in 2017 - Password Management

Healthcare IT Security

December 5, 2016
|password settings for healthcare devices and programs

The first line of defense in preventing hacking is a secure password. Unfortunately, IT administrators and website security and management companies know that educating their users on the definition and necessity of a strong password often falls on deaf ears. Most users opt for convenience and familiarity when they aren’t forced to change passwords that contain strong character and symbol combinations frequently.

One Easy Way to Protect your Healthcare Infrastructure and Data

In a recent article, CIO Senior Writer, Sharon Florentine explains that “Cybersecurity professionals will struggle to protect critical infrastructure, connected systems and remotely accessed systems and devices while weak password practices remain the norm.”

password settings for healthcare devices and programs

At QliqSOFT, we’ve made it convenient for admins to customize and enforce security policies on our secure texting messaging platform, based on the need of their particular organization. Through our browser-based dashboard, admins can customize the number of total characters, uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Enforcement of password strength can even be required. Using this setting, users are prevented from choosing passwords that do not meet the predetermined criteria. Additionally, password expiration can be set to any length of days desired before users are forced to create a new password. One last bit of security prevents users from reusing previous passwords based on the admins' preference.

Desktop & Mobile Text Messaging Security

Even with this level of control, organizations may still opt for convenience over security. To ensure that messages don’t get into the hands of hackers, we do not show messages in the browser, which is the most common hackers access data after acquiring a password. Next, we expire messages frequently. Only the last few days worth of messages, not the entire history of messages are accessible. This minimizes the impact of the breach. Finally, we provide administrators and users a convenient way of locking the app and wiping the data.To learn more about how QliqSOFT approaches security, request a free demo HERE.

The Author
Ben Henson

A lifelong communicator, this Tennessee native got his start in broadcast news before branching out into public media, corporate, communications, digital advertising, and integrated marketing. Prior to joining QliqSOFT as the company's first marketing team member, Ben shared his talents with organizations that include the University of Alabama, iHeartMedia, and The Kroger Company.

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